What netizens say after seeing Kang Dong Won and BTS V’s new picture

Kang Dong Won x BTS V’s new picture

1. V looks cute. I love this combination

2. It’s great to see Kang Dong Won and V in the same frame

3. Kang Dong Won is really handsome…. Taetae is handsome too

4. Well, I used to think Kang Dong Won was the most handsome. He looks old because V is next to him.. V is still handsome even when standing next to an actor, I understand why everyone calls him handsome

5. I’m so jealous of them ㅠㅠ In my next life, please let me be born with those faces

6. It’s heaven

7. V is so pretty. He has good chemistry with Kang Dong Won

8. V is pretty and Kang Dong Won is handsomeㅋㅋㅋ It’s like a family pictureㅋㅋㅋㅋ

9. Oh my gosh, this combination is crazy

10. As expected, Kang Dong Won is seriously handsome and cool

Original post (1)