What’s up with Cha Eunwoo’s body?

What’s up with Cha Eunwoo’s body?

[+306, -26]

1. [+91, -4] His appearance is like that, but what’s even more amazing is that he puts in even more effort

2. [+63, -5] Seriously, is he missing anything?

3. [+46, -38] I want to put Wonbin next to him

4. [+33, -51] It’s time for him to enlist

5. [+26, -5] Wow, he put in a lot of effort. Now he is a real man

6. [+15, -5] His appearance is the best in the world… He doesn’t look human at allㅋㅋ

7. [+13, -25] He can’t act, can’t sing, can’t dance, and has no entertainment talent

8. [+11, -4] Now he really has it allㅋㅋㅋ

9. [+11, -2] F*cking handsome

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