What’s up with Rosé’s new picture?

How can the atmosphere be like this under the sunshine…??

Seriously….? No one can imitate Park Chaeyoung’s aura..

[+141, -22]

1. [+29, -3] Natural light + Rosé’s aura is crazy

2. [+27, -3] Crazyㄷㄷ

3. [+22, -3] Wow, her aura is amazing…

4. [+9, -0] How can she look so perfect with blonde hair like this?

5. [+7, -1] No one can imitate Rosé’s unique soft aura…

6. [+7, -1] Wow,,, I’m not a fan but I saved it;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Daebak

7. [+6, -0] She’s getting prettier and prettier

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