Who made Kim Chaewon become like this?

I’m confused

[+558, -59]

1. [+637, -23] But she always looks like this…

2. [+423, -21] Her face is cute so she looks pretty in the selfies, but because her nose is low and her lips are slightly protruding, her pictorials aren’t pretty

3. [+393, -13] She’s not good at taking pictorials….

4. [+353, -13] She always looks like this, who do you blame?

5. [+333, -29] Seeing this makes me not want to buy anymore. It’s like ‘Make Up For Ever’ is promoting herㅋㅋ It doesn’t look like a cosmetic ad at all…

6. [+89, -0] It’s not that I don’t like Kim Chaewon, but objectively, she’s not suitable for cosmetic ads

7. [+38, -4] On the contrary, the cosmetic brand side has to ask the question ‘Who made our brand image become like this?’

8. [+26, -1] Huh Yunjin and Kazuha are there, but why did they choose her?

9. [+21, -0] I feel the same way after seeing the pictorial.. Chaewon only seems to be the prettiest on stage

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