Why are Jisoo and Nayeon like that?

Why are Jisoo and Nayeon like that?

They are seriously so pretty, they are good at taking selfies, even the pictures of them that other people took were so pretty, the way they pose is also good. Every time I see their photos, I’m surprised. The two of them are fresh and look like girlfriends

These are my favorite pictures

[+117, -32]

1. [+65, -6] Our bunny

2. [+51, -4] Nayeon is so pretty

3. [+47, -2] Nayeon knows what style suits her, she’s so pretty ㅜ

4. [+46, -13]

5. [+44, -14]

6. [+25, -3]

7. [+24, -0] Im Nayeon

8. [+23, -9]

9. [+23, -1]

10. [+22, -0]

11. [+21, -9]

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