Wow Jungkook, he has male lead vibes

Wow Jungkook

Looking at his back, he looks so cool

[+341, -45]

1. [+110, -6] Look at the main character’s face ㅜㅜ

2. [+90, -5] Calvin Jungkook is the best

3. [+81, -4] His face looks like this in the video…

4. [+73, -5] Freaking handsome

5. [+22, -2] There’s a reason why people say that Jungkook has male lead vibes, his main character’s aura is amazing

6. [+18, -1] Jungkook has a good body and is handsome, but look at his aura

7. [+10, -0] He has a good body, long arms and legs, slim waist, broad shoulders

8. [+6, -0] Crazy…

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