ZEROBASEONE won 1st place on Inkigayo today

ZEROBASEONE won 1st place on Inkigayo today

1. I like this song so I’m listening to it ㅋㅋ

2. Is that Kenzie’s song?? For some reason, I like this song

3. The fans have worked hard

4. No, I’m surprised that a song from 5 years ago was nominated

5. The difference in digital music is huge

6. ZEROBASEONE, this is their first time getting 1st place, right?

7. I heard it was Kenzie’s song so I listened to it and it was good

8. Congratulations to ZEROBASEONE!!!!!

9. Congratulations, I really like this song

10. Congratulations ZEROBASEONE for winning the 1st place

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