Kim Jaejoong mentioned TVXQ members and Park Yoochun in the interview

Kim Jaejoong “I feel proud when I see TVXQ members… I have no contact with Park Yoochun, but my finger hurts so much”

To celebrate his 20th anniversary, singer Kim Jaejoong looked back on his days as a member of groups TVXQ and JYJ

In an interview with Newsen on the 25th, Kim Jaejoong said, “I can’t believe this is my 20th anniversary album. When I was young, I vaguely thought that I wouldn’t be like this in 20 years. I haven’t changed much. I’m so grateful that I can release a 20th anniversary album.”

He also expressed his feelings for TVXQ members. Kim Jaejoong said, “When I look at the members’ situation and what they are doing now, I feel so proud that they are living well. Except for one person (Park Yoochun), I think everyone is doing well and creating their own values, and I think I should work hard and not fall behind.”

Then, he said about Park Yoochun: “I must have sighed a lot. From Yoochun’s perspective, it’s different, he must have had a very difficult life… I haven’t contacted him yet (after the drug scandal) I don’t know which country or where that friend is.”

1. It’s good that he drew the line and said he never contacted him

2. The interview was good… I’ve only seen him in person, but the more I look, the more I see he’s a good person

3. I know Kim JaeJoong, Park Yoochun and Kim Hyunjoong are so close, but you guys don’t keep in touch anymore, right?

4. My childhood memories… TVXQ…. I’m so happy that Xia Junsu and Hero Jaejoong are still active

5. If you read this entire interview, you will see that Kim Jaejoong spoke so well. I want to learn how to say things like this

6. There are people who think they still keep in touch and think they are close friends, so it’s good that Kim Jaejoong mentioned that he is no longer in contact with Park Yoochun

7. I want to see Junsu and Jaejoong perform together

8. Kim Jaejoong’s answer was neat and well done. I always support Kim Jaejoong and Kim Junsu

9. There are still a lot of people reading the title and leaving comments

10. He broke up with his friend but he feels sorry for what happened to that friend, right?

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