The second FIFTY FIFTY? NewJeans member’s parents hire lawyer specializing in resolving ‘celebrity exclusive contract disputes’

NewJeans member’s parents hire lawyer specializing in resolving ‘celebrity exclusive contract disputes’

In the midst of the ongoing legal battle between HYBE and Min Heejin, the parents of NewJeans members have appointed entertainment dispute specialist, attorney Kang Jin-seok.

Attorney Kang Jin-seok is known for handling numerous cases involving exclusive contract disputes in the entertainment industry. His expertise includes reviewing exclusive contracts, advising on terminations, litigating damages for breaches, and handling investment return lawsuits for entertainment companie.

1. I support NewJeans, HYBE will be ruined

2. The second FIFTY FIFTY?

3. All they have to do is pay the 600 billion won fine and leave HYBE

4. I feel so sorry for the NewJeans kids

5. NewJeans members and their families seem to be under the illusion that public opinion like Theqoo is actually on their side, and they think they will do well if they sue

6. If Min Heejin is fired, NewJeans will be abandoned, so it’s better to sue

7. I hate HYBE but NewJeans’ career is coming to an end

8. If they sue, outsiders can’t avoid the feeling that everything is going according to Min Heejin’s plan

9. It’s surprising that everything is going exactly as Min Heejin planned

10. I support NewJeans. Looking at the articles posted by HYBE, they have no intention of protecting NewJeans at all

11. What will happen?

12. What is the difference from FIFTY FIFTY?

Original post (1)