TWS’ sajaegi has been confirmed

TWS’ sajaegi has been confirmed

TWS’ new song ranked 125th

[+596, -68]

1. [+252, -33] I just don’t want to see the name of this group. It feels like even things like this are being spread… I don’t want to see HYBE

2. [+195, -27] No, I don’t even know any of the members’ names

3. [+148, -22] Who is TWS?

4. [+97, -29] These are the kids who are predicted to be #1 on the yearly chart

5. [+47, -57] Honestly, I don’t know anyone in TWS, but the song is so good

6. [+14, -10] Is it reasonable for a rookie idol group to beat IU with their debut song?

Original post (1)