4 female celebrities who are the prettiest in their 20s voted by men


Jang Wonyoung

Kim Yoo Jung


Order is random

Suzy was born in 1994, but why isn’t she there? I don’t know

[+26, -64]

1. [+31, -45] If they stood next to each other, Jang Wonyoung would overwhelm them..

2. [+28, -4] There are many people to add, but no one to remove, but where did you find it?

3. [+27, -31] Suzy is in her 30s now…

4. [+22, -8] These days, men always talk about Kazuha, but she’s not there

5. [+20, -5] I admit it!

6. [+14, -3] Are these four people in their 20s being popular among men these days?

7. [+10, -4] They are all Korean

8. [+10, -8] Suzy is already in her 30s, why are you guys downvoting this post?

Original post (1)