Aespa Karina’s unreal proportions are going viral on the K-Pop community

Aren’t Karina’s proportions crazy?

[+273, -77]

1. [+89, -20] You can get a feel of it because there’s non-celebrities around her.. Even if you don’t have her face, as long as you have her face size and proportions, people on the streets would turn to look

2. [+74, -21] She’s so slim but she has everything she needs to have

3. [+71, -11] She’s really on a different level

4. [+69, -13] Wow, I guess this is why celebrities are celebrities

5. [+60, -9] Wow, what the..

6. [+46, -82] I saw her at a university festival and her proportions are just average

7. [+15, -7] F*cking dope

8. [+14, -13] That picture was edited, I saw her in real life at a university festival

9. [+13, -6] Seriously, her proportions are amazing

10. [+13, -6] Isn’t it really the face size of a westerner..? Crazy

Original post (1)