BLACKPINK Jennie proves her popularity by getting Porsche CF

Wow Jennie Porsche

She got Porsche CF

[+140, -33]

1. [+61, -4] Well, this is my first time seeing a Porsche CFㄷㄷ

2. [+45, -2] Getting a Porsche CF is seriously crazy. From Chanel to Porsche, Jennie is seriously the one top

3. [+45, -3] Porsche is one of the official sponsors of BLACKPINK at their concert this time. If only they had filmed it a little earlier, the lyrics in ‘Shut Down’ wouldn’t be Lamborghini but Porscheㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

4. [+25, -1] BLACKPINK’s lives are seriously going up and up

5. [+9, -2] Crazy, their concert is sponsored by Porsche

6. [+3, -0] Oh my God??? Wow… Our world and hers are so different…

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