#1 Melon’s entry number of unique users in 2022
#2 in terms of number of users in the first 24 hours on Melon in 2022
#7 in terms of highest number of daily users on Melon in 2022
#2 on Melon daily
#1 on Genie daily
YouTube views in 24 hours (3rd of all time)
#1 trending on YouTube in 59 countries out of 94 countries
First Kpop girl group to reach #1 on iTunes UK Albums and Songs chart
Girl group ranked #1 on US iTunes chart for the first time in 2 years
The first girl group in the world to ever hit #1 on the global Spotify chart
BLACKPINK is doing so well even though they made a comeback after 1 year and 10 months. It’s even a pre-release song
Since BTS is taking a break from group activities, it seems like BLACKPINK is dominating Kpop