BLACKPINK Rosé’s fansite pictures at their concert today are crazy

Rosé’s fansite pictures at BLACKPINK’s concert today are crazy

[+176, -28]

1. [+44, -4] Seriously crazy,,,, She’s freaking cute

2. [+35, -4] For real, is she a princess? She looks like princess Aurora, crazy

3. [+31, -5] To be honest, Rosé’s fansites seem to be doing better than her agency

4. [+30, -3] Cute..

5. [+21, -1] Black swan and white swan

6. [+16, -1] The high definition picture is perfect

7. [+12, -0] She’s so cute and pretty

8. [+11, -1] That white outfit suits her so well

9. [+10, -1] Rosé, I really like that unique vibe ㅜㅜ

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