BTS Jungkook seems to be so popular on Pann these days

Damn Jeon Jungkook is so handsome

[+445, -88]

1. [+277, -17] Our Jungkook

2. [+274, -14] Handsome, pretty, manly, delicate, cute, sexy… Jungkook is the sum of all charms

3. [+252, -14] JK

4. [+252, -14] I miss Jeon Jungkook

5. [+243, -12] Jungkook short hair

6. [+175, -4] His face looks crazy these days

7. [+169, -2] There’s something about this photo that feels like his debut days

8. [+166, -1] He seems to be getting better every year

9. [+163, -0] Do you think he’s like a movie star? Let’s go to Hollywood in a few years

10. [+160, -2] He’s f*cking handsome

11. [+156, -2] Thank you for being handsome

12. [+147, -2] I miss you Jungkookie

13. [+133, -0] He’s handsome and cute

14. [+133, -2] F*cking handsome

Original post (1)