BTS Jungkook still gives off celebrity aura even when he’s surrounded by foreigners

This must be a celebrity

Even if he’s surrounded by foreigners, you’ll know who’s a celebrity right away

[+856, -184]

1. [+300, -19] They chartered a plane to take him to Qatar, and they brought a lot of bodyguardsㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

2. [+294, -25] I can see my handsome man right away

3. [+267, -22] Seriously he’s so handsome ㅠㅠ Isn’t he a prince?

4. [+228, -19] Wow, even looking at him from afar, he looks so handsome

5. [+131, -6] Celebrities are different

6. [+123, -5] This one is pretty too

7. [+108, -2] His face is so small

8. [+98, -2] King of the world

Original post (1)