Did Rosé and Lisa imitate Enola Holmes?

They don’t kiss hands, but seeing that scene, I think they’re imitating Enola Holmes?

[+77, -3]

1. [+20, -1] Maybe because the two of them are friends of the same age, they get along wellㅋㅋ The two of them have good chemistry

2. [+19, -4] Rosé’s eyes make my heart flutter

3. [+13, -0] So cute…

4. [+12, -2] What’s up? They are dating..

5. [+12, -0] Why are the two of them so cute?

6. [+9, -0] I love Lisa’s style so much…

7. [+7, -0] Lisa looks like a puppy and Rosé is so pretty

8. [+6, -0] Lichaeng~

9. [+3, -1] Hul.. Rose is so pretty

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