Game OST produced by BTS Suga

Our Island

1. The song is so soft, Yoongi-ah, I really like it

2. He’s good at this genre too ㅠㅠ

3. The song is so good

4. I like this kind of music, so I searched for it and my idol made it for me.. I’m crying

5. He’s really good at everything ㅠㅠ

6. What can’t Min PD-nim do?

7. Well, it’s so good, can I download this??

8. MinPD is really a genius ㅠㅠ I was being healed,,,

9. No, he’s good at this genre too ㅠㅠㅠㅠ

10. Wow it’s so good… As expected, MinPD

11. There’s nothing MinPD can’t do ㅠㅠㅠ

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