Guys, BLACKPINK Rosé was legendary today

Guys, Rosé was legendary today

[+140, -68]

1. [+45, -18] Rosé’s unique aura seems to be irreplaceable

2. [+43, -11] Chaeng Saint Laurent can’t fail

3. [+36, -13] Freaking cool

4. [+31, -8] Dua Lipa Rosé

5. [+27, -6] Her legs are so pretty

6. [+17, -1] I don’t think Saint Laurent’s clothes are good, but it’s perfect for Rosé

7. [+17, -2] That’s why she’s called Chaeng-Laurent

8. [+14, -0] Her aura is crazy

9. [+14, -6] Among celebrities, she has the life that I envy the most

10. [+11, -2] The outfit is so pretty.. Why is she so luxurious?

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