Haters are spreading V-Jennie’s photos and saying why their agencies didn’t say anything?

Why did V and Jennie’s agencies say nothing?

Now, while this photo is going viral

Isn’t it something the company should manage?

They would really kill someone like this…;;

[+22, -24]

1. [+24, -0] First of all, it’s the photo that Jennie posted on Instagram

2. [+17, -0] It’s the photo that Jennie posted on her personal Instagram, so why did you edit it and make it look like the leaked photo?

3. [+7, -0] ? The photo above is from before her phone was hacked, right?

4. [+4, -1] You pretended to be worried about her and then you posted leaked photos

5. [+3, -0] And then you are spreading the leaked photos

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