“His acting has improved a lot” Cha Eunwoo in Island creating a buzz right now

Cha Eunwoo in Island creating a buzz right now

“Seriously, what’s up with Cha Eunwoo’s visuals?”

“Crazy, Cha Eunwoo shirtless”

1. Wow, I personally think his acting skills have improved

2. Eunwoo’s acting has improved a lot

3. He looks like he’s lost weight, that’s why he’s become more manly

4. His acting isn’t really good, but his acting has improved, but it’s Cha Eunwoo, who cares about acting?

5. How does he feel living as Cha Eunwoo?

6. It must be hard to create a handsome game character like him

7. I don’t know about his acting, but his face is working hard.. so handsome…

8. I didn’t believe it until I actually saw him, he’s more like CG than CG

9. Cha Eunwoo don’t enlist, please keep that face

10. F*cking handsome ㅜㅜㅜㅜ His acting has also improved

11. His acting has also improved and he’s really good at action acting

12. Wow, Eunwoo’s acting has improved a lot… His tone has completely changed from before

13. Cha Eunwoo is the most handsome man I’ve ever seen

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