“I think Rosé’s natural hair color would suit her, but she seems obsessed with blonde hair”

I think Rosé’s natural hair color would suit her, but she seems obsessed with blonde hair

[+38, -32]

1. [+42, -4] This is my first time seeing someone who doesn’t suit black hair

2. [+19, -12] She also looks good with black hair

3. [+14, -4] Black hair makes the face look longer, the chin looks longer

4. [+14, -0] It looks unnatural, please don’t do it. It’s not pretty

5. [+7, -1] If she had black hair, her face would look dull

6. [+0, -0] It’s rare for Asians to look good with blonde hair, Rosé has a small face so blonde hair suits her well

Original post (1)