Isn’t Rosé’s schedule too tight?

Isn’t her schedule too tight?

Rosé is leaving the country again

I hope that she’s eating and sleeping well

[+55, -11]

1. [+34, -9] You should be thankful while you can still earn money

2. [+21, -11] Looks like she returned to Korea because of the pop-up event. When will she rest?

3. [+19, -11] Wow the four of them are all living busy lives

4. [+15, -11] Their schedule is killer

5. [+13, -11] ㅋㅋ Rosé is using Rimowa for her luggages?

6. [+4, -4] Her schedule is merciless, but since she’s a celebrity, she must earn a lot of money… Aren’t we so jealous?

7. [+3, -1] Crazy

Original post (1)