Jennie was chosen as the best dressed star at the Met Gala

Jennie was chosen as the best dressed star at the Met Galaㅋㅋㅋ

1. Daebak, human Chanel, Kim Jennie!!!

2. She’s seriously so pretty

3. As expected… It’s been a while since I’ve seen her dressed like that

4. Human Chanel

5. Jennie is so pretty

6. Jennie in Chanel is so cool

7. Jennie looks like a doll ㅠㅜ

8. She deserves it, she’s so pretty

9. Her aura is amazing… She’s so pretty

10. Her face shape is really amazing

11. Jennie is f*cking pretty

12. The outfit suits her so well, it’s so pretty…

13. Wow, Jennie’s aura is crazy

14. As expected, Jennie always dresses well

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