Member Sung Il Jong of People’s Power requested a BTS Jamboree performance, netizens get mad

Sung Il Jong’s Facebook (request a BTS performance to the Ministry of National Defense)

1. It’s lucky that the BTS members didn’t enlist together, if they had enlisted together, they would’ve been dragged everywhere

2. I was angry even though I’m not an ARMY

3. Why does BTS have to take care of an event where national prestige has declined due to lack of preparation and inexperienced management? Are you really serious?… What’s up with this country……?

4. They messed up and tried to get BTS to solve it.. F*ck

5. Shut up

6. These ba$tards are trying to tell BTS to solve the problem even if there’s a war

7. They see BTS as shield boys

8. Are you crazy? Are you really crazy? Leave BTS alone

9. A country that has no alternative but BTS.. It’s pathetic

10. Seriously… if you’re not a parasite, then what are you?

11. Are you crazy?? Stop using BTS

12. Crazyㅋ Why don’t they just hand over the management of the country to BTS?

13. BTS is so pitiful

14. Seriously, BTS members should change their nationality

Original post (1)