Netizens are divided after seeing Winter’s real life visuals

Wow Winter’s real life visuals

You can tell it’s Winter even from far away… Her facial features are so distinctive

[+148, -65]

1. [+62, -15] She’s so pretty

2. [+57, -11] Wow, those are the phone cameras? She’s so freaking pretty

3. [+56, -7] But she looks so cute with those soft cheeks ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

4. [+53, -54] You should look at Winter from afar

5. [+27, -21] Of course she’s pretty from afar

6. [+23, -2] She’s so freaking pretty with casual clothes too

7. [+17, -2] Short hair or long hair both suit her

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