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Sullyoon and Jang Wonyoung in the same frame today
Which is prettier?
Sullyoon – Upvote
Jang Wonyoung – Downvote
[+315, -606]
1. [+362, -5] Once you’ve already exceeded the top level of beauty, comparing who is prettier is really up to each person’s taste
2. [+287, -2] Both are f*cking pretty~
3. [+277, -2] I don’t know but we are blessed with beautiful women
4. [+143, -69] Wonyoung – Upvote
5. [+133, -72] Sullyoon – Upvote
6. [+52, -12] Sullyoon, she looks really unrealistic, she looks like a French doll
7. [+49, -77] Both are pretty, but honestly, Sullyoon is prettier
8. [+45, -55] It’s Sullyoonㅋㅋㅋ Besides, she has natural beauty
Original post (1)