Netizens explain the height difference between Taeyeon and Jang Wonyoung

Look at the height difference between Taeyeon and Jang Wonyoung

There’s a big difference

[+206, -47]

1. [+96, -30] That day, Taeyeon was wearing sneakers and Wonyoung and Liz were wearing high heels. I’m saying this in advance before the haters come in. The two of them are pretty

2. [+79, -25] Taeyeon is cute

3. [+72, -18] You have to consider the difference in their heels, IVE was wearing heels, but Taeyeon was just wearing sneakers

4. [+53, -14] Taeyeon is f*cking cuteㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. [+37, -14] Taeyeon doesn’t age, she’s 15 years older than Wonyoung

6. [+35, -66] Taeyeon is prettier

7. [+33, -15] The great thing about Taeyeon is that her fandom is huge, her popularity is also good, both her digital and her album are good

8. [+23, -32] I’ll believe even if you say Taeyeon is Wonyoung’s friend, she’s so young

Original post (1)