Netizens say BLACKPINK is the best girl group ever after they were named Entertainer of the Year on Time Magazine

BLACKPINK is Entertainer of the Year on Time Magazine

2022 was BLACKPINK

Last year, Olivia got it!

2020 was BTS!

[+283, -45]

1. [+74, -8] BLACKPINK is the representative beneficiary of Pann-hate = successㅋㅋ

2. [+68, -6] Queen BLACKPINK is amazing

3. [+56, -5] Queenpink

4. [+53, -3] Congrats congrats

5. [+50, -5] Legendary

6. [+36, -7] F*ck, seeing the comments here, I can understand why BLACKPINK releases so many songs for hatersㅋㅋㅋㅋ

7. [+28, -2] These girls are seriously daebak. People say that they’re the girl group that surpasses Spice Girls, but they’re always bashed in their own country

8. [+22, -2] BLACKPINK gets a lot of hate on Pann these days, but Pann-hate = success

9. [+21, -4] BLACKPINK is so cool, the best girl group ever

10. [+21, -3] Wow Lisa is so pretty

Original post (1)