Netizens think that Wooga members are probably all meeting together with their girlfriends

Wooga members are probably all meeting together with their girlfriends

Seeing how Xooos and Jennie suddenly became close made me realize that they are the girlfriends of the Wooga members

[+175, -274]

1. [+143, -42] The Wooga members pretend to be innocent on their reality show, but they’re just close because of their girlfriends..

2. [+76, -10] Even commoners would gather together as couples so I guess they do that often too

3. [+70, -12] Don’t feed the trolls.. The Gallery b*tches are here again

4. [+58, -25] I hope that Woo Sik and Hyung Sik leave that group.. Don’t throw away your image~

5. [+33, -16] Wow, V and Jennie are the best couple in Wooga members’ meeting, so cool…

6. [+9, -0] Wooga members: (BTS) V, Park Seo Joon, Choi Woo Sik, Peakboy, Park Hyung Sik

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