Pre-release of IVE’s title song ‘I AM’ on TikTok

The song will be released at 6pm on April 10

1. Daebak~ As expected from IVE

2. It sounds better than the pre-release song

3. Have they ever tried a pop song?? The song is so good, I want to listen to the full version soon

4. They will sweep the charts againㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

5. Wow, the song is good, but it sounds too high

6.It sounds like a pop song, I already like it

7. Please give Liz a lot of parts!

8. Wow, it’s too high, I wonder if the members other than Ahn Yujin and Liz can sing,,,

9. Wow, the song is high, I want to listen to the full version soon, I’m curious

10. I wish there were more parts of Liz this time

11. The song is so good ㅋㅋㅋㅋ I think they’ll hit the daebak this time too

12. Anyway Liz and Yujin can do it, they’re good at live so you don’t have to worry about live

13. The song is so good, I want to listen to it soon

14. It sounds like a pop song, I’m so excited

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