Red Velvet Joy’s pictures on her way off work were legendary today

Joy’s pictures on her way off work were legendary today

The last pictures were taken by the fansite, but the article pictures are legendary too ㅠ Refreshing Joy is living up to her name ㅠㅠ

[+444, -59]

1. [+72, -9] Looks like she’s taking photoshoots on her way off work. She’s so freaking pretty

2. [+51, -8] Her smile looks like the sunshine ㅠㅠㅠ

3. [+43, -8] Her smile is like this >▽<,, It’s perfect and so refreshing

4. [+26, -2] Her smile is seriously freaking pretty

5. [+22, -2] The way she looks at the camera and makes a heart is so cute

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