The most successful unit among girl group units of all time

#36 on annual Melon chart

#10 on annual Melon chart


1. I thought of TaeTiSeo

2. I thought of Orange Caramel

3. I agree

4. I thought of Sistar19ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ I still listen to Ma Boy… The song is amazing…

5. I don’t remember any of TaeTiSeo’s songs, but I still remember Sistar19’s songsㅋㅋ

6. I think of TaeTiSeo, but I also like Sistar19’s songs

7. I think of Orange Caramel, their impact was huge

8. It reminds me of TaeTiSeo, but I agree with you

9. Looking at the title, I thought it was TaeTiSeo

10. All of Sistar19’s songs are good

11. I thought it was TaeTiSeo, but as soon as I saw the post, I couldn’t help but admit it

Original post (1)