The scary thing when idols date

Letting go of self-management while remaining happy

[+390, -574]

1. [+351, -32] Stop bull$hitting

2. [+332, -15] This is her recently

3. [+325, -13] Following Jennie’s Chanel jewelry campaign, Chanel bag campaign 2023 is underway

4. [+283, -2] It’s obvious that you’re jealous because she’s prettier, more successful, and better than youㅋㅋ

5. [+231, -2] Anyway, the fact that Jennie is loved all over the world vs You, who has never been loved anywhere

6. [+19, -0] Seriously, Jennie is still doing so well… For real, I admire her

7. [+13, -2] That’s why people with cute looks don’t last long.. As soon as that cuteness disappears, it’s all gone

8. [+7, -5] Among the 3rd generation female idols, she manages herself the worst

Original post (1)