Filipino girl who insists on looking like Jennie
She even has fans because she’s famous for looking like Jennie…
[+107, -125]
1. [+69, -8] Recently, all the girls get mad because of Jennie
2. [+67, -8] Kim Jennie who is still a hot topic every day
3. [+66, -7] As expected, Jennie is still so hot
4. [+56, -3] Hul her smile looks like Jennie’s
5. [+55, -5] She’ll look more like Jennie if she puts on makeup and manages herself well
6. [+37, -2] She deserves to insist on itㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She has a pretty face and her smile is so cute
7. [+33, -1] I’m not even joking, she really looks like Jennie…?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
8. [+18, -6] She looks prettier than Jennie with makeup
Original post (1)