What netizens say about the Filipino girl who insists on looking like Jennie

Filipino girl who insists on looking like Jennie

She even has fans because she’s famous for looking like Jennie…

[+107, -125]

1. [+69, -8] Recently, all the girls get mad because of Jennie

2. [+67, -8] Kim Jennie who is still a hot topic every day

3. [+66, -7] As expected, Jennie is still so hot

4. [+56, -3] Hul her smile looks like Jennie’s

5. [+55, -5] She’ll look more like Jennie if she puts on makeup and manages herself well

6. [+37, -2] She deserves to insist on itㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ She has a pretty face and her smile is so cute

7. [+33, -1] I’m not even joking, she really looks like Jennie…?ㅋㅋㅋㅋ

8. [+18, -6] She looks prettier than Jennie with makeup

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