Why are you guys praising Minji and Haerin’s proportions??

Why are you guys praising Minji and Haerin’s proportions??

In NewJeans, except for Hyein and Danielle, the proportions of the other members are normal

[+171, -127]

1. [+99, -6] This is my first time hearing praise for NewJeans’ proportions

2. [+71, -4] Have you ever seen praise for NewJeans’ proportions?

3. [+45, -7] NewJeans fans have never bragged about Minji and Haerin’s proportions, what are you saying?

4. [+42, -13] Can’t you see her face??

5. [+16, -1] Isn’t Hyein the one mentioned when it comes to proportions in NewJeans? This is my first time hearing about Minji and Haerin, why are you mentioning them? Either way, NewJeans will hit the daebak

6. [+13, -9] It’s ridiculous that the NewJeans fandom is fooling people and deifying NewJeansㅋㅋ

Original post (1)