ZEROBASEONE’s Kim Jiwoong releases statement on swearing controversy

ZEROBASEONE’s Kim Jiwoong releases statement on swearing controversy… Wake One “That’s not true” [Official]

Wake One, “After verifying with the individual in question, it has been confirmed that the allegations are not true. We have also conducted confirmations with our staff and interpreters who were present at the scene.”

1. I think it would be better to say that he did it for another reason

2. I feel sorry for the fans

3. So does that mean the video was edited? Or is it another word?

4. Just go to your fans and give a sincere apology… Do you think people are idiots?

5. Please apologize to your fans

6. Aren’t we supposed to do voice analysis and not forensics?

7. Are you planning to sue the fan who posted that post and conduct an investigation on that fan’s phone?

8. He just needs to leave the group and save the remaining members

9. You treat your fans like idiots

10. I feel sorry for that fan

Original post (1)