Hyuna lost 630,000 Instagram followers after revealing her relationship with Yong Jun Hyung

Hyuna lost 630,000 Instagram followers after revealing her relationship with Yong Jun Hyung

As of December 23, 18.63 million followers

Now 18 million followers

1. But since when did Somi have so many followers?

2. I was surprised when foreign fans left without looking back

3. But it’s okay… It’s not because she’s in love, the problem is her boyfriend

4. It’s surprising that she still has so many followers

5. She’s the type of person who lives her own way so I don’t think she would care about this

6. Wow she has more followers than I thought

7. Hyuna doesn’t care about reactions abroad

8. It’s really not noticeable

9. Why is she dating him?

10. Anyway, Hyuna doesn’t care about this

Original post (1)