Netizens praise BTS V’s visuals, intelligence and humor on Running Man

V on Running Man today was freaking handsome

They are screencaps from a 9 second video. He’s freaking handsome. Seriously, can he film a drama? Crazy, seriously he’s the most handsome man in my opinion

[+288, -34]

1. [+88, -2] He’s successful because he’s Vㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ He’s good at games, he’s smart and he’s also good at sports. He got everything

2. [+86, -3] When he was sprinkling the caramel, it was f*cking funny

3. [+75, -2] Pretty

4. [+70, -2] V in natural light is a win

5. [+31, -1] When I saw him asking questions and changing the rules, I felt he was really smart, handsome, and funny

6. [+22, -1] V is good at participating in entertainment shows, I understand why the production team wanted to choose him

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