People say TREASURE’s new song ‘Hello’ is the best song among 4th generation male idols

What do you think of TREASURE’s Hello?

What do you think about TREASURE’s comeback song? I think it’s pretty public friendly

[+208, -50]

1. [+82, -3] To be honest, the song is good. I acknowledge that it was YG style

2. [+79, -3] Isn’t the chorus crazy? I like that it’s like some kind of Big Bang song

3. [+76, -3] Seriously, they did the refreshing vibe with YG style. The song is so good

4. [+68, -4] I really like that old YG vibe, it’s so good

5. [+68, -4] The song is f*cking good. It’s just crazy. Seriously, it will be the public’s pick

6. [+35, -2] It’s so good…. Honestly, this song is the best song among 4th generation male idols

7. [+28, -1] To be honest, I didn’t like Treasure’s songs before, except for Darari, but the title song this time is so good, and after listening to the b-side songs, I like them all

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