What netizens say about Big Hit running TXT’s music video ads

TXT’s music video ads!!!!!!

[+134, -7]

1. [+57, -1] Crazy Big Hit, really? Really? Really? Really? Are they really running ads?

2. [+40, -1] Wow, Big Hit is crazy ㅠㅜ This is the first time in a long time that Big Hit has received compliments

3. [+37, -1] Big Hit finally made it ㅠㅠ

4. [+35, -1] Finally Big Hit gave up their crazy stubbornness

5. [+9, -0] They should have done it sooner. Why do they insist on not doing what everyone else is doing? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ I was so disappointed, but I think I will feel relieved now

6. [+7, -0] Fine, let’s do what everyone else does

7. [+2, -0] Finally!!!!!

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