BTS RM’s solo album will be a big hit?

Wow, BTS RM x Pharrell Williams, something big is coming

[+329, -21]

1. [+62, -7] In an interview, Pharrell Williams said that he was surprised when he saw BTS and respected them

2. [+47, -6] I can’t wait for this combination of RM and Pharrell Williams ~ ~ ~ I’m looking forward to it

3. [+44, -6] I love RM’s MONO album. I’m really looking forward to this album

4. [+40, -6] Pharrell Williams? Oh my god, Pharrell Williams???? Really????? Hul

5. [+9, -4] I haven’t heard it yet, but the song is already good

6. [+5, -3] RM is amazing, BTS are superstars

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