fromis_9’s fandom has issued a collective statement and proceeds with the funeral wreath and protest truck in front of HYBE’s building this morning

fromis_9 fans flovers protesting against HYBE and PLEDIS for neglecting fromis_9 and mistreating them 

This Mistreatment started from 2023 then the group was about to Comeback in mid March but it got delayed , pledis entertainment never mentioned the cause of the delay .

It’s been 1 year now since fromis has released new music meanwhile if you look at other artists under HYBE, they have frequent Music release, good promotion , world tour , fan meeting etc etc 

But none to fromis , now flovers are frustrated which resulted in today’s june 3rd protest.

PLEDIS has already announced fromis will make a comeback in August but flover thinks this is just a damege control and to stop flovers for protesting which of course seems failed attempt by Pledis and HYBE 

  • This protest will include protest truckes and funeral wreath for June 3rd to June 5th
  • Not just this but flovers now wants PLEDIS CEO and speak up and explain about everything that has been happening to fromis and reason for it. 

We hope flovers will get justice one day and fromis_9 will get better treatment