Super Junior Ryeowook wrote a handwritten letter announcing his marriage

Super Junior Ryeowook’s handwritten wedding letter

1. Congratulations, Ryeowook!

2. Time passes so quickly, it’s been 20 years since he debuted and he’s 38 years old… Now he’s getting married

3. Ryeowook ㅠㅠㅠ Congratulations!! I hope you are always happy

4. Wow, congratulations. He is my ideal type. I’m not a fan but it’s nice to see him announce his marriage like this

5. Congratulations to Ryeowook, be happy!

6. I admire him. Now, Super Junior has two married men?

7. Hul Ryeowook, are you getting married? Be happy!!!

8. Wow oppa ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ Congratulations ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

9. I thought he was already married

10. Congratulations on your wedding!! Be happy!!

11. It’s surprising that he is 38 years old

12. Wow, Ryeowook is already 38 years old…? Time passes too quickly

13. I’m not a fan but I like Ryeowook because he’s funny and sings well

14. I’m not a fan but congratulations

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