“V is effortlessly funny”, Knetz react to Taehyung’s appearance in Jinny’s Kitchen

From the first episode of Jinny’s Kitchen, as expected, V is a variety show man and he has so many funny moments hahaha.

1. It was so funny. How can I wait for V until next week?

2. Taehyung, who said that he drank 4 juices because he was thirsty after selling 2 juices with such a funny face, bursted out laughing hahaha. Lee Seojin also laughed hahahaha

3. Taehyung is handsome and has a great sense of humor. Come to the next drink soon

4. Everyone is so easy to watch and the time flies. In addition, Lee Seojin and Taehyung’s chemistry is an unexpected highlight

5. Lee Seojin seems to be trying to keep order by going with a bit of an old school concept, but it doesn’t work for V ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ It’s funny

6. Taehyung is cute and charming just by himself

7. Being funny and cute is Taehyung’s specialty. It’s a really differentiated cuteness

8. I don’t know if it’s because of his original way of speaking, but his way of speaking is also handsome..

9. His chemistry with Yumi is so good, my heart breaks when he calls her noona noona hahaha

10. I’m so in love with his face even though he appeared with his bare face

11. Taehyung is really progressing well hahahahaha he was in charge of washing dishes and tidying up, but seeing him cooking is so amazing

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