What Koreans say about BTS not getting any awards at this year’s Grammys

[2023 Grammy] BTS… “The most beloved celebrity and influence in the pop world, regardless of the award”

BTS didn’t get any awards at this year’s Grammy Awards

But whether or not they win the award, BTS is still “the main figure of history” and a pop star recognized by the mainstream music world

1. Kingtan

2. It’s great that they get nominated again and again

3. Kingtan.. I’m so proud of them

4. Have you ever imagined a Korean singer would be nominated for Grammy? It’s amazing that they’ve been nominated 3 years in a row, and I’m so proud of them

5. I never thought that a Korean singer would be nominated for Grammy. They are daebak

6. Korea values ​​the results more than the process. It’s great that they were nominated for the biggest music awards ceremony

7. Wow BTS is amazing

8. I’m so proud of our BTS

9. BTS was nominated for 3 consecutive years. It’s the first time in Asia, I’m really proud of it

10. Seriously, BTS are living legends

11. BTS is the pride of Korea

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